Okay, I know I'm bad at keeping promises when it comes to this blog (*cough* fotd friday *cough*)... so here's a sangria recipe to help you get over it.
1.5 liter of Moscato, or your favorite white wine
1 Granny Smith, or any other tart...
This recipe was loosely based on this pumpkin scone I found here. I had never made scones before, let alone vegan ones, and needed something to base my measurements off of.
Makes 10 scones.
1 cup raw walnuts
2 cups brown rice flour (or...
Before I get any hate from hard core Indian food snobs about this not being a traditional Chana Masala recipe - I AM NOT CLAIMING IT IS. I understand that some key ingredients are left out ( It's not exactly easy to obtain an ingredient...
No, this Friday I am not bringing you my face or the products used on it... mainly because I didn't feel like doing my make up. Instead, I thought I'd just make a little Thanksgiving-themed post since yesterday WAS Thanksgiving and all... for...
So, I want to make this a normal thing... Face of the Day Friday. Quite simply a day where I show you my face, tell you what make up I used to create said face, and you can do with that information what you will.
Will I stick to this...
This is more of a process suggestion rather than a recipe. You can add whatever vegetables you have on hand in your egg rolls, this is just how I chose to prepare mine.
This will yield 6 egg rolls.
6 egg roll sheets... mine were vegan...
When I buy bananas for myself, there's a very small threshold of time where I can eat them and actually enjoy them. I love slightly green bananas... just under their ideal ripeness. Once the green is gone, so is my appetite for them.
I've been feeling a cold coming on for a few days now (thanks, Chris) but today it hit me hardest when I got home from work. Luckily I had no other plans for the day and just got to relax.
I threw on some comfy clothes and set myself up on...
Pumpkin EVERYTHING, brisk weather, apple picking, apple cider, Halloween, Thanksgiving... what's not to love about Autumn? It's definitely my favorite season. I especially get excited about the fashion trends that come with fall - sweaters,...
This recipe yields roughly 7 pints (I stored all my leftovers in handy pint-sized Mason jars- I suggest you do the same to portion everything out and have easy, quick dinners for the week!)
1 quart of Vegetable Stock (you might want to...
4-5 white potatoes, diced
2 tbsp garam masala
1 tsp onion powder
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat your oven to 375° Fahrenheit. Toss the diced potatoes with the seasonings and oil. Spread out on a tin...
1 small eggplant
1 15 oz. can of garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
a couple tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 scallions, roughly chopped
1/4 cup chili lime spiced cashews
1/2 cup quick-cooking or instant oats
2 tbsp chia seeds
1/4 cup vegetable...