Thursday, May 8, 2014

Update | Sorry... again

Just when I think I have a handle on updating this blog regularly, a bunch of random things come out of left field and knock me off of the roll I've been on.

I just got out of my last written final as an undergraduate and am now waiting to go into my next final which isn't technically a final but we're required to sit and watch the rest of our class present their research projects even if we already presented. Going out with a real bang, huh? I decided to take this time until that "final" starts to explain what's been going on in my life to whoever cares to read about it.

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it on this blog yet, but I'm employed after graduation! Which is generally a really rare thing to hear of, especially employment within the field you've been studying for the past four years. I'll be working in direct care with children and adolescents with different mental and/or developmental disabilities who also have severe behavioral disorders/exhibit aggressive and self injurious behavior.

The decision to accept the job offer was possibly the most difficult decision I've had to make in quite some time. It's really going to be an amazing experience and will prepare me for the direction that I eventually want to take my career in down the road. I'm excited to start and I'm excited to hopefully have a positive impact and make a difference in these individuals' lives!

Along with the acceptance of this job offer came a lot of confusion and paperwork and loss of paperwork and missed phone calls... not to mention trying to find an affordable apartment to lease since living at home would be too far of a commute in both an environmental sense, as well as for my sanity. Driving for a total of over two hours, 5 days a week, and not getting home until well after midnight each night? No thank you.

Yesterday was the official day that everything for my job and apartment was finally settled and I can feel the weight slowly lifting off my shoulders. I'm going to dedicate tonight to get some blog posts done and queued up for you guys for at least the next few days.

Thank you so much to those of you who stuck around during my brief hiatus, and to those of you who are newly becoming accustomed to the chaos which is this blog. You guys are the bomb dot com!

I hope you're all having an awesome day! You can expect that recipe utilizing the grapefruit vinaigrette to be up soon, along with some other fun posts I have planned. Yay for motivation!

- Sam

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