Saturday, March 22, 2014

Update + Recipe | Post Workout Breakfast

Woops, I let another month go by without updating this blog. Sorry! A huge thank you to the people who have stayed with me on Bloglovin', and to the new people that just started following me! Hey! You guys are great :) I'm really gonna try and update more regularly! I promise!

A quick recap: March arrived, along with more snow and more schoolwork and more stress. I had a seriously low point last week, but I'm feeling much, MUCH better now.

My birthday was last Monday and the preceding weekend was AMAZING thanks to my wonderful friends/coworkers and Chris. I am so thankful to have made friends with such a loving group of people at work and to have an equally amazing boyfriend.

Now I'm on spring break (it's almost over!) and I was surprised with a couple days off from both of my jobs, so I jumped at the opportunity to come home and visit my mom (and dogs!)... since I haven't been home since winter break.

Anyway, on to the point of this post. One of last week's gym days was followed by a breakfast that I think is worthy enough of it's own blog post. It's easy, filling, and full of the necessary protein and energy needed to replenish what you've spent working out.

  • 1 egg, scrambled with a tbsp of salsa
  • small handful of "power greens" (or any greens) topped with two slices of sauteed tomato
  • 1 slice of whole grain toast (mine was double protein whole grain... 6g per slice!) topped with some sliced avocado with  salt, pepper, paprika, and onion powder.
  • 4 slices smokey tempeh bacon (mine was the tofurky brand. serving size is 7 slices, but I had enough food on my plate and didn't need that much)
Couple with a mug full of Blackberry Mojito tea from Teavana, this breakfast was perfect.

What do you guys like to eat after a good workout?

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