Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Update | Valentine's Day Recap

I wanted to make a Valentine's Day-related post on the actual holiday, but since I don't get to see Chris very often, and I was working a lot of the weekend that he was here, I didn't want to take any more time away from our time together if I didn't absolutely need to.

So anyway, our Valentine's Day was nice. Chris got here around dinner time and I had a whole spread ready for him. A sort of make-your-own veggie burger set up with allllll the fixings necessary to make a delicious burger with a side of homemade fries. Of course, I made some sangria to wash it all down with. We dined on my roasted eggplant & sweet potato quinoa burgers (recipe will be up SOON) and fruity wine while watching Breaking Bad and snuggled up on the couch with Benji. A really great night, if you ask me.

The rest of the weekend was just spent working and enjoying each other's company as much as possible before he had to go back up to school yesterday to avoid the weather that was expected last night and this morning. 

I really am so lucky to have such a great guy in my life who supports everything I do and never stops making me feel like a million bucks. Travelling to a different continent to find someone outside of my family who loves me unconditionally was worth every mile.

I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day!

xo Sam

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