Sunday, September 29, 2013

Update | Sick Sunday

I've been feeling a cold coming on for a few days now (thanks, Chris) but today it hit me hardest when I got home from work. Luckily I had no other plans for the day and just got to relax.

I threw on some comfy clothes and set myself up on my couch with a quick and easy dinner, some HGTV, and just let myself rest for the night.

Just some warmed up tomato and roasted red pepper soup and some toast with avocado topped with salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, and a little onion powder.

Oh yeah, and Benji kept me company all night.

How could I be mad about being sick if this little guy was snuggled up next to me?!

I hope your Sunday was slightly less sick, but just as snuggly :)

<3 Sam

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