Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Update | A tiny burst of inspiration

Lately I have been really lacking in the inspiration department, but can you blame me? I'm working myself to the ground, so even if I was inspired, I wouldn't have the time to execute any of my ideas. Anyway, tonight I felt some inspiration out of nowhere and decided to paint a little to have a few more things to add to my art store. They're not masterpieces but I like them and I hope someone, somewhere, might like them too and maybe want to hang them up somewhere in their house or office or bedroom or wherever.

If you're interested, you can click here to take a look at my art store. The link will also always be in my link bar up at the top of my blog.

I put these pieces up on there along with a few that I've had completed for a while.

If you check out my art store and find something you like, thanks! If you don't, that's cool too :)

- Sam

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