Monday, March 18, 2013

Update | Sorry!

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. I've just been swamped with school work lately. But I'm finally on spring break, and although it's not much of a break for me, I DO have some free time to post some new recipes I've tried out. They'll be posted over the span of this week and hopefully I'll come up with a few more before my break ends.

I'm also working on some pieces to set up an online art shop. I'll  post them here when they're finished and I'll link the shop once that's up and running. I'm really proud of the artwork that I produce and it's something I'm extremely passionate about. I hope at least some people find my artwork equally as enticing.

I think I'm going to incorporate some make-up and beauty-related posts to this blog because that's another thing I'm very passionate about, so check back for those kinds of updates, too!

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