Friday, January 18, 2013

Update | Third time's a charm...

This is my third attempt at serious blogging. I started this one last winter, but just didn't keep up with it. So I deleted all the posts and I'm starting a new... what better time to do so than at 2am, right?

I wish I blogged while I was studying abroad; it would make the question "How was Ireland?" a lot easier to answer. That being said, there's not really a straight-forward answer to that question. Ireland was amazing, to put it simply. I learned a lot about myself and a lot about other people and a lot about life in general. I realized I have a deep passion for travelling... along with a slight obsession with Bailey's coffee. I realized what and who is important in my life. I realized that psychology is definitely what I should be studying (thank GOD... or the past 2 and a half years would have been a waste). And I realized that I have an absurd amount of dreams and aspirations for the rest of my life, which is both good and bad. I hope this blog helps me sort out all the crazy ideas I have for myself and lets me get the ball rolling on some of them.

My first task will be to go through all the half-assed recipes I have jotted down all over my computer, and actually getting real measurements for them so I can compile them into a cookbook and eventually publish it. I am a damn good cook and when someone asks me for a recipe of something I've made for them (*cough* Chris *cough*) I want to be able to tell them how to remake it for themselves. I eye-ball EVERYTHING when I'm cooking, which is the fun part, really, but it makes things prone to inconsistency which isn't ideal for an aspiring author of one or several cookbooks (and maybe even my own cafe one day!) My roommate, Rachel, can look forward to lots and lots of good eats for the upcoming days where I'm testing out some of my recipes.

Let's hope I can actually keep up with this blog and the ideas behind it!

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